Thursday 23 June 2011

Carpe Diem (Film Review)

Carpe diem

Carpe diem!
Seize the day, Boys!
Make your lives extraordinary.
Because we are food for worms,
Believe it or not
Each and everyone of us in this room is one day going to stop breathing, turn cold and die.

When I was university student, I saw this movie titled “Dead Poets Society” and then I bought the video tape immediately. For about 20 years, the video tape has disappeared. The movie has been forgotten in my memory. Recently, I found the DVD at the Warehouse by chance. Without any hesitance, I bought and enjoyed watching the movie.

This is just a human drama sets in a strict boy’s private school in USA. Academy Award winner Robin Williams plays the lead roles a charismatic English teacher, John Keating. His unconventional teaching methods breathe new life into the curriculum steeped in tradition. With his wit and wisdom, Keating inspires their students to purse individual passions and to make their lives extraordinary.

Even though there are no actions and special effects that current generation like, this movie is full of moving and heartbreaking moments. The most admirable thing is the excellent cast. Especially, 7 teenagers are very distinguished and played their own characters very well as if they were real at the moment.

I strongly recommend this to all ages group, especially teenagers and their parents.  I think that most people tend to respect only academic success, but everybody has their own talents God gave us. Not only academic success but also any other subjects should be equally respected, I believe.

Gather ye rose buds while ye may,
Old time is still a-flying and
this same flower that smiles today,
tomorrow will be dying

Tuesday 31 May 2011

The Wonderful Place I Have Visited – Pacific Rendezvous in TUTUKAKA


Pacific Rendezvous is the most spectacular holiday resort at Tutukaka, Northland and located at the end of the long stretched coastline. It takes 30 minutes driving from Whangarei, two and a half hours from Auckland. I have visited here on Labour Weekend last year. I would like to introduce you as this resort is a very peaceful place with a spectacular view which is rare in the world.

The Resort
From most of he motel rooms, you can see the whole of the Tutukaka Harbour, an earthly paradise and the rooms are self-contained with kitchens. This resort has spa pool, swimming pool, children play ground, tennis court, BBQ area and lots of boating and fishing facilities. Most of them are included in the motel fare except some special equipment.

The Environment
There are a lot of beaches near the resort such as, Sandy Bay, Whale Bay, Matapouri Bay etc.. All are quiet and peaceful places, which you can enjoy a peaceful holiday. You can also enjoy varied water activities, boating, fishing, surfing, scuba diving. Scuba diving is one of the most popular activities in Tutukaka, but the cost is quite high and special equipment is required.

Prices are quite reasonable compared with any other normal motel prices in NZ. Moreover, there are some kinds of discount programme such as off-season discount, 2 night discount.

In a peak season and on public holidays, only bookings for more than 2 nights are available. Supermarket is also inconvenient as the goods are limited. So I advise to you not to forget some food and personal care. Apart from this, public transport is not serviced. You can only use own your cars.

I strongly recommend this resort to people who desire to have a rest doing nothing. Even though there are lots of places you can enjoy sub aqua related activities in NZ, Tutukaka will be the perfect place to just relax looking at the emerald heartbreaking ocean and the azure sky, leaving everything behind, or to have a quality time with friends or family sometimes.